Jim Vidakovich

Trainers in Motion: Creating a Participant-Centered Learning Experience

What can trainers learn from "Sesame Street"? Apparently quite a lot. Like how to make trainees turn on--not tune out--to learning by injecting training sessions with energy and excitement. TRAINERS IN MOTION is a lively new book that offers a ...

Carliss Y. Baldwin, Kim B. Clark

Design Rules, Vol. 1: The Power of Modularity

We live in a dynamic economic and commerical world, surrounded by objects of remarkable complexity and power. In many industries, changes in products and technologies have brought with them new kinds of firms and forms of organization. We are ...

Anne Rawland Gabriel

Start Your Own Vending Business (Entrepreneur Magazine's Start Up)

This guide by the editors of Entreprenuer magazine reveals all the tricks of the trade, including the pros and cons of buying new vs.used machines; how to arrange the best placement for machines, where to get supplies at a discount, how to scout out ...

Poonam Sharma

The Harvard Entrepreneurs Club Guide to Starting Your Own Business

Are you a college student or recent graduate with a great idea for a business? You're not alone. All across the country, more and more students are seeking advice on starting their own businesses. The entrepreneurial spirit is thriving at Harvard, ...

<<<  Kiyoshi Suzaki. The New Shop Floor Management: Empowering People for Continuous ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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