Kiyoshi Suzaki

The New Shop Floor Management: Empowering People for Continuous Improvement

In this first comprehensive departure from the time-and-motion dictums of Frederick Taylor's Shop Management that have influenced management practices for most of this century, Kiyoshi Suzaki offers a framework for successfully conducting ...

Matthew Yubas

Product Idea to Product Success: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Making Money from Your Idea

Whether it's a new product idea or service, inventions abound. Coming up with the idea is one thing, getting it to fly is another. In his new book, Product Idea to Product Success: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Making Money from Your Idea, author ...

Dean Lane

CIO Wisdom: Best Practices from Silicon Valley

Foreword by Dean Lane The research for this book began more than 30 years ago and is based on the experience, learning and real-world practices of more than 18 people who currently are, or have been, in the role of the Chief Information Officer ...

Morgan W. McCall Jr.

High Flyers: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders

How do you develop the people who will one day lead your company? High Flyers challenges conventional wisdom about how to groom executives for the top positions in the firm by presenting a strategic framework for identifying and developing future ...

<<<  Robert H. Zedlitz. Getting a Job: Process ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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