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Robert H. Zedlitz Getting a Job: Process Kit
This hands-on kit shows users how to look for, and how to leave a job. They will also learn how to identify and match personal skills with job interests, prepare a resume, research jobs and companies on the Internet as well as through other sources,
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Dan Ciampa, Michael Watkins Right from the Start: Taking Charge in a New Leadership Role
Have you recently been handed a new leadership challenge? Are you about to start a new job, or are you expecting a big promotion? With today's surge in start-ups, spin-offs, change initiatives, and reorganizations, chances are that you'll be in a
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Steven M. Bragg Outsourcing : A Guide to...Selecting the Correct Business Unit...Negotiating the Contract...Maintaining Control of the Process
A complete guide to making outsourcing work for your company. As leading companies worldwide have discovered, delegating responsibility for strategic functions such as IT, sales and marketing, and manufacturing to outside vendors often leads
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Arthur A. Sloane, Fred Witney Labor Relations (10th Edition)
Labor Relations , the most accurate, readable, timely, and valuable book of its kind on the market, provides readers with a basic understanding of unionism in its natural habitat and a fundamental appreciation of the union-management
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