Walter Mathews

Restaurant Newsletters That Pay Off

A restaurateur's guide to writing, designing, and publishing a newsletter. This book uses 50 actual newsletters to demonstrate how to create a great newsletter or how to turn an existing one into a more effective marketing tool that will: keep the ...

Jeffrey L. Seglin, Edward Coleman, Amacom

The Ama Handbook of Business Letters

There's no reason to write a business letter from scratch when a better one exists already! This authoritative book and easy-to-use CD-ROM have everything busy professionals need to create effective business correspondence -- from style and grammar ...

Jose Paulo Moreira De Oliveira

Essential Managers: Writing Skills (Essential Managers Series)

Packed with essential tips for today's competitive business world, these low-priced paperbacks are ideal for anyone interested in improving their business skills. Perfect for the briefcase or portfolio, these four new guides in the Essential ...

Janelle Barlow, Peta Peter, Lewis Barlow

Smart Videoconferencing: New Habits for Virtual Meetings

In recent years, videoconferencing technology has improved significantly as equipment prices have dropped. Smart Videoconferencing demonstrates how to integrate this technology into business communications. The authors address the most basic ...

<<<  L. Sue Baugh, Robert J. Hamper. Handbook For Writing Proposals             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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