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L. Sue Baugh, Robert J. Hamper Handbook For Writing Proposals
A practical guide to developing and writing winning business and marketing proposals, this book covers all the basics, from picking the right projects to bid on, to doing initial research to producing the document to following up.
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Andrea Sutcliffe New York Public Library Writer's Guide to Style and Usage
The only up-to-date guide that addresses everyone who writes, from books and magazine features to newsletters, business reports, technical papers and brochures -- with information on how to use computers in every stage of publication.
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Jan Venolia Rewrite Right! : Your Guide to Perfectly Polished Prose: 2nd Edition
Good, clear writing appears effortless. But chances are, the more effective the communication, the more work that went into making it so. Rare is the individual whose professional or personal life doesn't call for some written communication. Jan
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Lillian H. Chaney, Jeanette S. Martin Intercultural Business Communication (2nd Edition)
Both the novice and experienced international business traveler will find this an excellent source of information on global etiquette. Devotes an entire chapter to business and social customs. Explores international negotiation, oral and nonverbal
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