Victor A. Canto, Arthur B. Laffer

Monetary Policy, Taxation, and International Investment Strategy

Written especially for portfolio managers, financial analysts, and corporate economists, this volume considers the practical implications of government economic policies. The contributors illustrate how incentives and disincentives affect economic ...

Axel Leijonhufvud, International Economic Association

Monetary Theory and Policy Experience (International Economic Association Conference Volumes)

Why do governments prefer to limit themselves to a specific inflation target? Specialists and senior officials of the European Central bank, the OECD and national central banks look beyond inflation targeting as the goal of monetary policy. ...

Cathy Burgess

Money Matters for Hospitality Managers

Unique in its approach, 'Money Matters for Hospitality Managers' is unlike other heavy theoretical accounting texts, using real life scenarios to show managers how it's done. Backed up by a range of exercises and activities, it thus allows managers ...

Dennis Swann

The Single European Market and Beyond: A Study of the Wider Implications of the Single European Act

This book examines what the single market actually entails and looks at the other issues and implications of the Single Europe Act. It considers the economic, fiscal, social and political dimensions of European unification. ...

<<<  Barry J. Gibbons, Barry J. Gibbons. Dream ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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