Barry J. Gibbons, Barry J. Gibbons

Dream Merchants and Howboys: Mavericks, Nutters and the Road to Business Success

Looking for a regurgitated summary of bland biographies on some of the world's most successful business men and women? Then place this book back on the shelf immediately. Because within these pages you will find much to entertain you. And at the ...

Rickey Singleton, Marsha Herring, Scott Oliver

Power to Create Wealth and New Money

The highly anticipated follow up to "God Wants You To Be An Entrepreneur" which shows how a person can actually create wealth and new money by specific, proven methods. ...

Callum Henderson

Currency Strategy: A Practitioner's Guide to Currency Trading, Hedging and Forecasting

John Maynard Keynes’ reference to the ‘animal spirits’, that elemental force which drives financial markets in herd-like fashion, was applied to the stock market. However, he might as well have been referring to the currency ...

Benjamin J. Cohen

The Geography of Money

The traditional assumption holds that the territory of money coincides precisely with the political frontiers of each nation state: France has the franc, the United Kingdom has the pound, the United States has the dollar. But the disparity between ...

<<<  Jeffrey A. Krames. The Jack Welch Lexicon of Leadership: ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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