Robert Y. Redlinger, Poul Erik Morthorst

Wind Energy in the 21st Century: Economics, Policy, Technology, and the Changing Electricity Industry

Wind energy is the great success story of modern renewable energy. Since the industry's rebirth following the energy crisis of the 1970s, thousands of wind energy projects have been installed around the world. The technology today is ...

Eric S. Sheppard, Trevor J. Barnes

A Companion to Economic Geography (Blackwell Companions to Geography, 2)

A Companion to Economic Geography presents students of human geography with an essential collection of original essays providing a key to understanding this important subdiscipline. The contributions are written by prominent international ...

Creating Value: Successful Business Strategies

'Creating Value through Business Strategy' is the new edition of 'Creating Value: Shaping Tomorrow's Business', winner of the MCA price for best management in 1997. This new edition provides constructive guidelines to readers to open their ...

Eliana Cardoso, Ann Helwege

Latin America's Economy: Diversity, Trends, and Conflicts

"This is precisely the book that I have been waiting for. It is completely up to date, it deals with the most important questions, and the authors explain complex economic issues in simple and helpful ways, without loss of rigour or generality." -- ...

<<<  Kuno J. M. Huisman. Technology Investment: A Game Theoretic Real ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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