Kuno J. M. Huisman

Technology Investment: A Game Theoretic Real Options Approach (Theory and Decision Library. Series C, Game Theory, Mathematical Programming, and Operations Research, V. 28)

The technology investment decision of an individual firm has become a very complex matter in recent years. One reason is the incredibly rapid progress of technological developments in the last decades. Another reason is the existence of and movement ...


Can Asians Think? Understanding the Divide Between East and West

In these elegantly written essays, Kishore Mahbubani sets forth a wake-up call to Asians and Westerners alike. In such diverse pieces as "The Ten Commandments for Developing Countries" and "The Dangers of Decadence: What the Rest Can Teach the ...

William E. O'Connor

An Introduction to Airline Economics : Sixth Edition

The fabric of the airline industry has continued to undergo remarkable changes since the 5th edition of this classic text was published in 1995. The industry has witnessed a series of mergers and a trend toward consolidation into fewer but larger ...

David Schaps

The Invention of Coinage and the Monetization of Ancient Greece

Coinage appeared at a moment when it fulfilled an essential need in Greek society and brought with it rationalization and social leveling in some respects, while simultaneously producing new illusions, paradoxes, and new elites. In a book that ...

<<<  William J. Ward. Health Care Budgeting and ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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