Walter Adams, James W. Brock

Adam Smith Goes to Moscow

Adam Smith Goes to Moscow is a captivating dialogue between the head of a hypothetical, formerly socialist East European country and a fervently market-minded American adviser. Their spirited give-and-take highlights the monumental political ...

Arthur R. Gomez, Arthur R. Gomez

Quest for the Golden Circle: The Four Corners and the Metropolitan West, 1945-1970

Until World War II, the Four Corners Region--where New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Arizona meet--was a collection of isolated rural towns. In the postwar baby boom era, however, small communities like Farmington, New Mexico, became bustling ...

Bela Greskovits, Bela Greskovits

Political Economy of Protest and Patience

Why did Eastern Europeans protest less about the brutal social consequences of systemic change than the people of Latin America a decade earlier? Why has the region-wide authoritarian or populist turnabout not occurred? Why has democracy in these ...

Kenneth King , Simon A. McGrath

Knowledge for Development: Comparing British, Japanese, Swedish and World Bank Aid

In 1996, the World Bank President, James Wolfensohn, declared that his organization would henceforth be "the knowledge bank." This statement marks the beginning in earnest of a new discourse of knowledge-based aid, which has spread rapidly ...

<<<  David I. Rosenbaum. Market Dominance             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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