David I. Rosenbaum

Market Dominance

Economic theorizing suggests that firms can acquire and maintain market dominance in a number of ways. Some economists argue that firms attain dominance only by being relatively more efficient than their rivals and retain leadership only by staying ...

Geoff Mason, Mary O'Mahony, Ray Barrell

Productivity, Innovation and Economic Performance (National Institute of Economic and Social Research Economic and Social studIes, 40)

Productivity and its determinants are central to economic debate. This volume examines differences in productivity among nations, and provides comprehensive discussion as to why they exist; it addresses the importance of the growth and measurement ...

Bai Gao

Economic Ideology and Japanese Industrial Policy

During the Great Depression and World War II, the ideology of developmentalism--characterized by a nationalistic perspective, a production orientation, and a strategic view of the economy, including restraint of market competition and rejection of ...

D. K. Fieldhouse

The West and the Third World: Trade, Colonialism, Dependence and Development (History of the Contemporary World)

This comprehensive survey of the nature of the relationship between the Western countries and the Third World, and the debate over its effects, during the twentieth century matches development theory with wide-ranging evidence on the consequences of ...

<<<  Richard L. Gordon. Regulation and Economic Analysis: A Critique ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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