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Richard L. Gordon Regulation and Economic Analysis: A Critique over Two Centuries (Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy, Vol 16)
Regulation and Economic Analysis: A Critique Over Two Centuries argues that long experience with the practice of regulation creates a broad anti-intervention consensus among economists. This consensus is based on comparison of real intervention to
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Gerard A. Persoon, Diny M. E. Van Est, Percy E. Sajise, Edited by Gerard A. Persoon Co-management of Natural Resources in Asia: A Comparative Perspective
Co-management-the sharing of responsibilities between governmental institutions and groups of resource users-is rapidly gaining popularity in Asia. In many countries environmental management is reformulated from exclusive state control to various
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Phillip Toner Main Currents in Cumulative Causation: The Dynamics of Growth and Development
This book is the first comprehensive study of the theory of circular and cumulative causation. This theory is concerned with the general dynamics of growth and development in advanced industrial economies and developing nations. A detailed
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Joseph F. Stepanek Wringing Success from Failure in Late-Developing Countries : Lessons From the Field
Development has alleviated poverty in many countries during the 50 years since the end of World War II, yet half of mankind remains poor; a fifth are very poor. Poverty is not a state of nature, but, as Stepanek shows, can be ascribed to manmade
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