James Ronald Stanfield, Jacqueline Bloom Stanfield, John Kenneth Galbraith, J. Ron Stanfield

Interviews With John Kenneth Galbraith (Conversations With Public Intellectuals Series)

For over half a century, Canadian-born John Kenneth Galbraith (b. 1908) has been among the most visible of public intellectuals. His articulate and controversial best-selling books---including The Affluent Society, Economics and the Public Purpose, ...

Thorstein Veblen

The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions (Great Minds Series)

Almost a century after its original publication, Thorstein Veblen's work is as fresh and relevant as ever. Veblen's The Theory of the Leisure Class is in the tradition of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations and Thomas Hobbes's ...

Martin J. Sklar

The United States As a Developing Country: Studies in U.S. History in the Progressive Era and the 1920's

The history of the United States is in crucial respects the history of a developing country, not only in its transition from agriculture and commercial colonies to an industrial nation, but in modern times and the foreseeable future as well. These ...

Keith Tribe

Strategies of Economic Order: German Economic Discourse, 1750-1950 (Ideas in Context, No 33)

This book provides an overview of two hundred years of German economic thought from the Steetswissenschaften of the eighteenth century to National Socialism and the Social Market. Whereas Classical Economics emphasized value, distribution and ...

<<<  Daniel M. Hausman. The Inexact and Separate Science of Economics             Илья Маневич. Карл Великий >>>

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