Daniel M. Hausman

The Inexact and Separate Science of Economics

This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of standard economics, to the strategies economists employ in applying their theories to solve particular problems, and to the ways in which economists assess their theories. The ...

Richard Donkin

Blood, Sweat & Tears (Cloth): The Evolution of Work

Blood, Sweat & Tears is a captivating history of work, from prehistoric times to the present day. It offers fascinating and intelligent analyses of the individuals, assumptions, theories, developments, and practices that have so much changed work. ...

Jean Andreau, Janet Lloyd

Banking and Business in the Roman World (Key Themes in Ancient History)

This is the first book to present a synthetic view of Roman banking and financial life from the fourth century BC to the end of the third century AD. It describes the business deals of the elite and the professional bankers and the interventions of ...

Edward Chase Kirkland

Dream and Thought in the Business Community, 1860-1900

What businessmen thought--or thought they thought--in the age of the "robber barons." ...

<<<  Emma Rothschild. Economic Sentiments: Adam Smith, Condorcet, ...             Илья Маневич. Карл Великий >>>

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