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P. J. Boon, B. R. Davies, Geoffrey E. Petts, Bryan Davies Global Perspectives in River Conservation
Throughout the world, river conservation is becoming an increasingly important concern. In arid regions, for instance, rivers often form the only water resource for human sustenance: indeed, the World Bank has predicted that future wars will be
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John Naisbitt Ecology; How Environmental Trends Are Reshaping the Global Economy (Japanese)
[This book is written in Japanese.] This book is one of the Tachibana Publishing Future Book Series (Japanese Edition), a series of books with the world’s leading futurists and social analysts. This series looks at future perspectives
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Tom Tietenberg, Henk Folmer The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2002/2003: A Survey of Current Issues (New Horizons in Environmental Economics)
The literature and research on environmental and resource economics has exploded in recent years. This major annual publication provides a cutting-edge survey of current research by the leading experts in the field. The latest yearbook, now
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Chris Manning, Peter Van Diermen Indonesia in Transition: Social Aspects of the Reformasi and Crisis (Indonesia Assessment Series)
Indonesia enters the new millennium at a time of transition. It has experienced several crises--in particular the economic crisis of 1997-98, a severe intensification of its environmental degradation, and more recently the East Timor crisis,
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