Stefano Manzocchi

The Economics of Enlargement (Central Issues in Contemporary Economic Theory and Policy,)

In this volume, well-known scholars examine the challenges facing the EU at the start of the Eastern enlargement, whose first wave should be decided at the end of 2002 and implementation in 2004-2006. ...

George T. Crane, Abla Amawi

The Theoretical Evolution of International Political Economy: A Reader

This collection of seminal readings in international political economy charts the historical and theoretical evolution of the field from the eighteenth century to the present. Bringing together classic works and leading contemporary arguments, the ...

Martin Holland

The European Union and the Third World

This text provides a broad-ranging analysis of the EU's relations with the developing world today set in the context of the policy, debates and changes of the 1990s and the EU's historical ties to the Third World. Covering the whole range of the ...

World Bank

Slovak Republic -- Joining the Eu: A Development Policy Review (World Bank Country Study)

The Slovak economy experienced in 2002 its best performance since it pulled out of the financial crisis of 1998. However, soon after recovery was under way and had begun to generate jobs, macroeconomic imbalance resurfaced, while more than 18 ...

<<<  International Business Publications USA, USA International Business Publications. ...             Malcolm Greenwood, Martin Carter. Business ... >>>

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