Karen Calhoun, John J. Riemer

Corc: New Tools and Possibilities for Cooperative Electronic Resource Description

CORC: New Tools and Possibilities for Cooperative Electronic Resource Description examines the nuts-and-bolts practical matters of making this cataloging system work in the Internet environment, where information objects are electronic, transient, ...

Bart Farkas, BradyGames

Global Operations Official Strategy Guide

BradyGames Global Operations Official Strategy Guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough of the levels in the game, including coverage of the different teams and character specialties. Strategies for meeting objectives and completing ...

Gary D. Knott

Interpolating Cubic Splines (Progress in Computer Science and Applied Logic, V. 18)

Spline functions arise in a number of fields: statistics, computer graphics, programming, computer-aided design technology, numerical analysis, and other areas of applied mathematics. Much work has focused on approximating splines such as ...

Sanjoy Paul

Multicasting on the Internet and Its Applications

This book covers the entire spectrum of multicasting on the Internet from link- to application-layer issues, including multicasting in broadcast and non-broadcast links, multicast routing, reliable and real-time multicast transport, group membership ...

<<<  Jean Guisnel. Cyberwars: Espionage on the Internet             Mark L. Gillenson. Fundamentals of Database Management ... >>>

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