Jean Guisnel

Cyberwars: Espionage on the Internet

A revealing account of how the Internet has become a powerful new tool for spying by governments and private industry To some a brand-new forum for the freedom of speech, the Internet is also the most up-to-date way to gather intelligence. ...

Simon Shepherd

Cryptography: Diffusing the Confusion (Communications Systems, Techniques and Applications Series)

Thirty years ago, cryptography was the almost exclusive preserve of the Government and Military. Today it is the key technology underlying the Internet revolution and is of critical commercial and academic importance. The broadband ...

Cornelis A. Los

Computational Finance: A Scientific Perspective

Computational finance deals with the mathematics of computer programs that realize financial models or systems. This book outlines the epistemic risks associated with the current valuations of different financial instruments and discusses the ...

Matias Blei, MP Ediciones

Internet al Maximo: Manuales Users, en Espanol / Spanish

Este libro esta dirigido a todos aquellos que desean tener una perspectiva mucho mas amplia de las posibilidades disponibles en este universo virtual. Es por ello que el presente volumen no intenta adentrarse detalladamente en una sola de ...

<<<  Ulf Hashagen, Reinhard Keil-Slawik, Arthur L. Norberg. History ...             Mark L. Gillenson. Fundamentals of Database Management ... >>>

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