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Ulf Hashagen, Reinhard Keil-Slawik, Arthur L. Norberg History of Computing - Software Issues
This book is based on the international conference "Mapping the History of Computing: Software Issues", held in April 2000 at the Heinz Nixdorf Museums Forum in Paderborn, Germany. The primary objective of the conference was to review our present
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Ifip Tc6 Working Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling 20, Admela Jukan Towards an Optical Internet
This is the age of networked information, where more than ever in the history of technological progress, society's reliance on communication networks for health care, education, scientific data transfer, commerce and many other endeavours dominates
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Owen Bishop Microelectronics: Systems and Devices
This is a completely new textbook written to be fully in line with the new BTEC Higher National unit from Edexcel, the 2000 specification Advanced GNVQ unit, BTEC NII and NIII, and A-Level modules. The resulting breadth of coverage makes
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Michael Hauben, Ronda Hauben, Thomas Truscott Netizens : On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet
Netizens , one of the first books detailing the Internet, looks at the creation and development of this participatory global computer network. The authors conducted online research to find out what makes the Internet "tick". This research
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