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Borivoje Furht, Oge Marques, Borko Furht Handbook of Video Databases: Design and Applications
Technology has spurred the growth of huge image and video libraries, many growing into the hundreds of terabytes. As a result there is a great demand among organizations for the design of databases that can effectively support the storage, search,
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Philip Avery Johnson Introduction to Networks and Telecommunications
Starting with the client-server model, this book attempts to integrate disparate topics of state-of-the-art telecommunications principles. Typically, data communications and telecommunications have been separated, but are linked here. Timing of
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Michael A. McBain Internet Pornography: Awareness and Prevention
With the growing concern in the news today over pornography around our children, parents are going to be looking for answers they can understand, rather than a commercial software package that hides its inner workings and blocks out too much of the
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Bjorn Granstrom, David House, Inger Karlsson Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems (Text, Speech, and Language Technology)
This book covers the topic of multimodality from a large number of different perspectives and provides the advanced student/researcher with a current survey of theories of multimodal communication between people as well as reviewing many aspects of
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