Borivoje Furht, Oge Marques, Borko Furht

Handbook of Video Databases: Design and Applications

Technology has spurred the growth of huge image and video libraries, many growing into the hundreds of terabytes. As a result there is a great demand among organizations for the design of databases that can effectively support the storage, search, ...

Philip Avery Johnson

Introduction to Networks and Telecommunications

Starting with the client-server model, this book attempts to integrate disparate topics of state-of-the-art telecommunications principles. Typically, data communications and telecommunications have been separated, but are linked here. Timing of ...

Michael A. McBain

Internet Pornography: Awareness and Prevention

With the growing concern in the news today over pornography around our children, parents are going to be looking for answers they can understand, rather than a commercial software package that hides its inner workings and blocks out too much of the ...

Bjorn Granstrom, David House, Inger Karlsson

Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems (Text, Speech, and Language Technology)

This book covers the topic of multimodality from a large number of different perspectives and provides the advanced student/researcher with a current survey of theories of multimodal communication between people as well as reviewing many aspects of ...

<<<  Vladimir Getov, Michael Gerndt, Adolfy Hoisie, Allen ...             Mark L. Gillenson. Fundamentals of Database Management ... >>>

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