Vladimir Getov, Michael Gerndt, Adolfy Hoisie, Allen Malony, Barton Miller

Performance Analysis and Grid Computing

Past and current research in computer performance analysis has focused primarily on dedicated parallel machines. However, future applications in the area of high-performance computing will not only use individual parallel systems but a large set of ...

Fiaz Hussain

Essential Dreamweaver 4.0 Fast

Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0 provides an exciting environment for creating and managing web-pages and web-sites. Fiaz Hussain gives a quick, but effective, introduction to the various key components and tools making up the development studio. Using a ...

Wolfgang Dalitz, Gernot Heyer

HyperWave : The New Generation Internet Information System

Hyper-G is the first of a new generation of Internet information systems. It is fully compatible with current Internet technology and allows seamless access to popular Internet server technologies such as WWW and Gopher. Hyper-G software has ...

Marco Russo, Lakhmi C. Jain, L. C. Jain

Fuzzy Learning and Applications

With low computational complexity and relatively short development time, Fuzzy Logic is an indispensable tool for engineering applications. The field is growing at an unprecedented rate, and there is a need for a book that describes essential tools, ...

<<<  Kelly Nguyen, Robert Cooney. ExamWise For CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate ...             Mark L. Gillenson. Fundamentals of Database Management ... >>>

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