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Bernardo A. Huberman The Laws of the Web: Patterns in the Ecology of Information
Despite its haphazard growth, the Web hides powerful underlying regularities -- from the organization of its links to the patterns found in its use by millions of users. Many of these regularities have been predicted on the basis of theoretical
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Zak Ruvalcaba, Matthew Pizzi Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Unleashed (Unleashed)
As an experienced Macromedia Dreamweaver user, you know that it is a powerful web development tool, but you?re lacking the knowledge to fully exploit the potential of the Dreamweaver environment. As a skilled website developer and
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Gary Rebholz How to Use HTML & XHTML
How to Use HTML & XHTML offers a visual, straightforward, and demystifying approach to the technology that currently makes the Web possible. It is carefully organized to visually teach the beginning HTML user what he needs to
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John Lombardo Embedded Linux (Landmark (New Riders))
Embedded Linux provides the reader the information needed to design, develop, and debug an embedded Linux appliance. It explores why Linux is a great choice for an embedded application and what to look for when choosing hardware.
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