Randy Shih

Parametric Modeling with Mechanical Desktop 2004

This book contains a series of ten tutorial style lessons designed to introduce Mechanical Desktop, solid modeling, and parametric modeling. It uses a hands-on, exercise-intensive approach to all the import parametric modeling techniques and ...

Chaomei Chen

Mapping Scientific Frontiers

"Mapping Scientific Frontiers" examines the history and the latest developments in the quest for knowledge visualization from an interdisciplinary perspective, ranging from theories of invisible colleges and competing paradigms, to practical ...

Oliver Gunther, Oliver Gunther

Environmental Information Systems

Environmental information systems (EIS) are concerned with the management of data about the soil, the water, the air, and the species in the world around us. This first textbook on the topic gives a conceptual framework for EIS by structuring the ...

Ruediger Kuehr, Eric Williams

Computers and the Environment: Understanding and Managing Their Impacts (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, 14)

Personal computers have made life convenient in many ways, but what about their impacts on the environment due to production, use and disposal? Manufacturing computers requires prodigious quantities of fossil fuels, toxic chemicals and water. Rapid ...

<<<  Tim Bogenn, BradyGames. Midnight Club II Official Strategy Guide             Mark L. Gillenson. Fundamentals of Database Management ... >>>

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