World Bank

Involuntary Resettlement: Planning and Implemention in Development Projects

Construction of infrastructure, a pre-requisite for sustained socioeconomic growth, often requires acquisition of land and, therefore, physical relocation and economic displacement of people. If such impacts, collectively characterized as ...

Bruce Stokes

New Beginning: Recasting the U.S.-Japan Economic Relationship (Council on Foreign Relations (Council on Foreign Relations Press))

The time is ripe for a bold new initiative to recast the U.S.-Japan economic relationship for the 21st century. A new Japan is emerging. Foreign investment is on the rise. Tokyo is deregulating and restructuring its economy. A new gneration of ...

Jenny Robinson, Open University

Development and Displacement

Development and Displacement draws together a number of emergent challenges to the practices and theories of development in the contemporary world, associated with forms of displacement. The authors offer a careful analytical approach to the ...

K. Alec Chrystal, Rupert Pennant-Rea, British Association for the Advancement of Science Section F

Public Choice Analysis of Economic Policy (British Association for the Advancement of Science Books)

This authoritative collection assesses the scope and limitations of public choice theory for informing the choices of policy-makers. Theoretical contributions are combined with case studies of specific areas of economic policy, including the ...

<<<  Godfrey Baldacchino, David Milne. Lessons ...             Ги де Мопассан. Наше сердце. Пьер и Жан >>>

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