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Godfrey Baldacchino, David Milne Lessons from the Political Economy of Small Islands: The Resourcefulness of Jurisdiction
Small islands often enjoy a distinct juridical personality. Many, whether fully sovereign or not, successfully deploy this "gift of jurisdiction" to economic advantage, offsetting the potentially adverse effects of smallness, isolation and
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Anne O. Krueger Development With Trade: Ldcs and the International Economy : A Sequoia Seminar (A Sequoia seminar)
Since World War II, and prior to the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO), formulations of the rules governing international trade were almost entirely within the purview of the industrialized countries. The rules thus devised as
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Charles S. Maier In Search of Stability: Explorations in Historical Political Economy (Cambridge Studies in Modern Political Economies)
In Search of Stability: Explorations in Historical Political Economy ponders the issue of how Western industrial societies overcame major challenges to political and economic stability in the twentieth century. Successive essays ask: what
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Venkataraman Krishnaswamy, Gary Stuggins Private Participation in the Power Sector in Europe and Central Asia: Lessons from the Last Decade (World Bank Working Papers, 8)
This study reviews the electricity sector experiences during the 1990s of four countries that are candidates for EU accession (Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, and Turkey) and six former states of the Soviet Union (Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic,
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