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John Gall, Gary Engel Sayonara Home Run!: The Art of the Japanese Baseball Card
With talented young Japanese players signing to the American Majors, interest in Japanese baseball is at an all-time high. Sayonara Home Run! introduces curious fans to Japan's national pastime through the lens of the country's playfully
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Roz Chast Theories of Everything: Selected, Collected, and Health-Inspected Cartoons, 1978-2006
At last, the comprehensive book of cartoons from beloved New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast.
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Li Cunxin Mao's Last Dancer
From a desperately poor village in northeast China, at age eleven, Li Cunxin was chosen by Madame Mao's cultural delegates to be taken from his rural home and brought to Beijing, where he would study ballet. In 1979, the young dancer arrived in
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David Wiles Masks Of Menander, The
This book provides a detailed analysis of the conventions and techniques of performance characteristic of the Greek theatre of Menander and the subsequent Roman theatre of Plautus and Terence. Drawing on literary and archaeological sources, and on
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