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Althea Mackenzie
Shoes and Slippers: From Snowshill, one of the World's Leading Collections of Costume and Accessories of the 18th and 19th Centuries...
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Francois Baudot
Yohji Yamamoto (Memoirs S.)...
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Lost Art, Caleb Neelon, Tristan Manco Graffiti Brasil (Street Graphics / Street Art)
A firsthand survey of the most original graffiti scene to emerge in the past decade. From the startlingly distinctive achievements of the internationally renowned twin-brother painters Os Gemeos to the visual powers of the ubiquitous
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Marie-France Boyer The Private Realm of Marie Antoinette
"Evocative photography and a wealth of detail make the book a visual treat."? Interior Design Marie Antoinette, whose marriage at fifteen made her queen of France before she was twenty, died under the blade of the guillotine
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