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Anne Hart How to Make Money Selling Facts
Book DescriptionHere's how to make money or a career out of selling facts to hidden and famous markets, nontraditional markets, and individuals in search of novelty, cutting edge facts, or historical facts come full circle. How to Make Money
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Daniel Farb Powerful Pharmaceutical Sales: Complete Guide to Sales Procedures and Techniques for Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives in the Hospital and in Medical ... HIPAA, Sexual Harassment, and Compliance
Book DescriptionThis title is part of the UniversityOfHealthCare/ UniversityOfBusiness Interactive Training Library, which offers authoritative, clearly written material in an interactive form for better comprehension and documentation of
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Anne Hart Cutting Expenses and Getting More for Less : 41+ Ways to Earn an Income from Opportune Living
Book Description Cutting Expenses and Getting More for Less: 41+ Ways to Earn an Income from Opportune Living , offers both practical steps and strategies on how to pay less for more benefits, quality, and comfort from the basic necessities and
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E. Michael Powers Sailing in Dangerous Waters
Book DescriptionThis concise guidebook outlines threats, legal drivers and questions to pose management concerning a corporation's data goverance efforts.
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