Ko de Ruyter

Research on International Service Marketing: A State of the Art (Advances in International Marketing) (Advances in International Marketing)

Book DescriptionVolume 15 of Advances in International Marketing explores the current research in international service marketing through the eyes of scholars from eight different countries on three continents. A truly international perspective ...

Naresh K. Malhotra

Marketing Research: An Applied Approach

Book DescriptionMarketing Research- An Applied Approach is aimed at students studying marketing research at undergraduate and postgraduate level. This new edition of Marketing Research- An Applied Approach builds upon Birks' well received European ...

A. Clear

Dynamics of Public Relations and Journalism : A Practical Guide for Media Studies

Book DescriptionVarious methods of conveying newsworthy information are discusssed in this analysis of the common qualities of public relations and journalism professionals. Practical anecdotes explain how public relations practioners and ...

Lawrence Jones

Strategies for Public Management Reform, Volume 13 (Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management)

Book DescriptionThis book is unique in that it explores public sector reform from a strategic management perspective. The authors whose work is represented in the book examine seven strategies for public management reform: (1) increases in ...

<<<  Internal Relationship Management: Linking Human Resources To Marketing Performance ...             Марк Ландсбаум. Маркетинг. XXI век >>>

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