Internal Relationship Management: Linking Human Resources To Marketing Performance (Journal of Relationship Marketing Monographic Separates)

Book DescriptionUse these techniques to improve staff performance! Internal Relationship Management: Linking Human Resources to Marketing Performance shows how businesses can develop and maintain positive interactions between managers and ...

Jonathan Groucutt

Marketing: Essential Principles, New Realities

Book DescriptionThis new textbook has been researched, and developed primarily for undergraduates. Written in student-oriented language, user-friendly and accessible, it also provides material of a rigorous academic standard. Each chapter ...

Aspatore Books

Inside the Minds: The Music Business - CEOs & Presidents from Island Def Jam, Napster, LLC, EMI Music North Group & More Provide a Behind the Scenes Glimpse ... and Entertainment (Inside the Minds)

Book DescriptionInside the Minds: The Music Business is an authoritative, insider's perspective on the ins and outs of this dynamic industry and the strategic thinking behind producing, managing, and distributing talent. Featuring Presidents & CEOs ...

Neill Duffy

Passion Branding : Harnessing the Power of Emotion to Build Strong Brands

Book DescriptionIn a world of switched-off and disenchanted consumers, the time is right for a new approach to communicating with customers. Passion Branding is that approach. Centred on a passionate relationship between brand and consumer and the ...

<<<  Melvin L. Silberman. The 60-Minute Active Training Series: ...             Марк Ландсбаум. Маркетинг. XXI век >>>

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