James J. Finnegan

Enterprise Compliance Management (ECM) : Bringing Influences Together

Book DescriptionMost of what we do is driven by an effort to be compliant. Hardly a second goes by when we are not complying with some rule, regulation, standard, order, etc. We stop for traffic signals, complete tax forms, credit applications, and ...

Phillip G. Clampitt

Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness

Book Description "In this new edition, Clampitt helps us keep pace with the evolving landscape of management communication practice and scholarship. Indeed, this text is a treasure trove for use in ...

Daniel, M.D. Farb

Secrets of a Leadership Coach 4 Developing a Team Manual and CD: The Coaching and Leadership Techniques of Marshall Goldsmith, Illustrated with Video, ... Teambuilding, For Every Manager and Employee

Book DescriptionThis title is part of the UniversityOfHealthCare/ UniversityOfBusiness Interactive Training Library, which offers authoritative, clearly written material in an interactive form for better comprehension and documentation of ...

Managing Organizational Complexity: Philosophy, Theory And Application (Isce Book) (Isce Book)

Book Description CONTENTS: Series Introduction, Michael Lissack and Kurt Richardson. Volume Introduction, Kurt Richardson. SECTION ...

<<<  Wayne Lotherington. Flicking Your Creative ...             Марк Ландсбаум. Маркетинг. XXI век >>>

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