Linda I. O'Leary, Timothy J. O'Leary

Computing Essentials 2002-03 Complete Edition w/ Interactive Companion 3.0

Computing Essentials 2002-2003 offers a unique, visual orientation that gives students a basic understanding of computing concepts. Computing Essentials is one of the few books on the market that is written by a professor who still teaches the ...

Anonymous, Mark Burnett, L. J. Locher, Chris Doyle, Chris Amaris, Rand Morimoto

Maximum Windows 2000 Security

Written from the hacker's perspective, Maximum Windows 2000 Security is a comprehensive, solutions-oriented guide to Windows 2000 security. Topics include: Physical & File System Security, Password Security, ...

Pamela Rice Hahn

The Unofficial Guide to Online Genealogy

Genealogy is one of the hottest topics on the Internet, with thousands of sites, forums, and newsgroups clamoring to help--or confuse--family history sleuths. How do you cut through the noise and find the best tools to trace your roots? This ...

Marianne B. Fox, Lawrence C. Metzelaar, Linda Bird, Keith Mulbery, Dawn Parrish Wood

Essentials: Microsoft Office XP

The Design is clean and the approach is simple; a list of steps to move users through Office XP tasks. Extensive end-of-project exercises reinforce what readers have learned. Easy to use, clear, concise instructions are accompanied by numbered ...

<<<  Peggy A. Kidwell, Paul E. Ceruzzi. Landmarks in Digital ...             Kelleigh Wing, Paul Whitehead, Ruth Maran. ... >>>

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