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Linda I. O'Leary, Timothy J. O'Leary Computing Essentials 2002-03 Complete Edition w/ Interactive Companion 3.0
Computing Essentials 2002-2003 offers a unique, visual orientation that gives students a basic understanding of computing concepts. Computing Essentials is one of the few books on the market that is written by a professor who still teaches the
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Anonymous, Mark Burnett, L. J. Locher, Chris Doyle, Chris Amaris, Rand Morimoto Maximum Windows 2000 Security
Written from the hacker's perspective, Maximum Windows 2000 Security is a comprehensive, solutions-oriented guide to Windows 2000 security. Topics include: Physical & File System Security, Password Security,
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Pamela Rice Hahn The Unofficial Guide to Online Genealogy
Genealogy is one of the hottest topics on the Internet, with thousands of sites, forums, and newsgroups clamoring to help--or confuse--family history sleuths. How do you cut through the noise and find the best tools to trace your roots? This
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Marianne B. Fox, Lawrence C. Metzelaar, Linda Bird, Keith Mulbery, Dawn Parrish Wood Essentials: Microsoft Office XP
The Design is clean and the approach is simple; a list of steps to move users through Office XP tasks. Extensive end-of-project exercises reinforce what readers have learned. Easy to use, clear, concise instructions are accompanied by numbered
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