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Peggy A. Kidwell, Paul E. Ceruzzi Landmarks in Digital Computing: A Smithsonian Pictorial History
Choice Outstanding Academic Book. Offering a fascinating visual record of the milestones in digital computing, this illustrated volume discusses the social and economic impact of each of the forty-plus significant benchmarks highlighted, from the
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Stewart L. Tubbs, Sylvia Moss, Sylvia Moss Human Communication: Principles and Contexts
Intended for the introductory communication concepts course (versus the performance-oriented hybrid course), Human Communication: Principles and Contexts focuses on the principles of speech communication and its contexts. The award-winning
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Gary B. Shelly Microsoft Office 2003: Essential Concepts and Techniques
For the past three decades, the Shelly Cashman Series® has effectively introduced computers to millions of students consistently providing the highest quality, most up-to-date, and innovative materials in computer education. Enjoy the proven
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R. Michael Alvarez, Thad E. Hall Point, Click and Vote: The Future of Internet Voting
Whether responding to a CNN.com survey or voting for the NFL All-Pro team, computer users are becoming more and more comfortable with Internet polls. Computer use in the United States continues to grow?more than half of all American households
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