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John Warren Stewig, Beverly Nordberg Exploring Language Arts in the Elementary Classroom (Education)
This text provides information on all the facets of language arts (listening, speaking, writing, and reading) and the connections among these areas, while using childrens literature to facilitate learning. Featuring many activities and teaching
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Jack Phillips, William Jones, Connie Schmidt, William Jones, Jack Phillips, Connie Schmidt Info-line : Level 3 Evaluation: Application
Takes an in-depth examination of how to measure on-the-job application of training or level three evaluation. Includes several questions to illustrate content concerns and to capture behavior change skill transfer to the workplace. Job aid
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Jean Gonzalez, Alan Roberts, John P. Walsh Computer Shorthand: Real-Time Theory (3rd Edition)
Written by educators ? who understand and address the true needs and trepidations of readers ? this book offers a pedagogically sound introduction to court reporting that enables readers to write new material with little hesitation,
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Davisson K. Chang, Davisson K Chang American Business in China 2000-2001
This one-of-a-kind publication is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in exploring business opportunities in China. Organized in two sections, the first section contains a business guide which highlights the following: -Exporting
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