
Graduate Programs in Physical Sciences 2004 (Peterson's Decision Guides : Graduate Programs)

A compact, easy-to-use guide to graduate and professional programs in the U.S. Readers can compare hundreds of programs in mathematics, geology, and environmental sciences. ...

Christine Allen Ewy, Robert J. Marzano, Katrina Ewy

Teaching With Visual Frameworks: Focused Learning and Achievement Through Instructional Graphics Co-Created by Students and Teachers

Foreword by Robert J. Marzano An illustrated guide to instruction and assessment using Unit Visual Frameworks (UVFs) to enhance learning in standards-based classrooms with diverse student populations. ...

Kate Thomsen

Building Resilient Students: Integrating Resiliency into What You Already Know and Do

Foreword by Nan Henderson This essential resource provides educators with proven and practical ...

Jim Brown

Sports Talent

Sports Talent reveals the factors most important to athletic success. Author Jim Brown, with the input of many leading experts, identifies the key variables and their relative contribution to performance, then explains how they apply to different ...

<<<  Harry J. Alexandrowicz. Testing Your Mettle: Tough Problems and Real-World ...             Zvi Zameret, Tsevi Tsameret. The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission ... >>>

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