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Leonard H. Hoyle Event Marketing: How to Successfully Promote Events, Festivals, Conventions, and Expositions
Authored by a well-known figure in the field. - Overview chapters explore topics such as electronic marketing strategies, funding, budgeting, promotion, and advertising. - Individual chapters address the differences involved in marketing
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Raymond L. Kotcher, Aspatore Books Staff, Andrea Carney, Aedhmar Hynes, Herbert L. Corbin, Dan Klores, Larry Weber, Scott Chaikin, David Paine, Lee Duffey PR Visionaries: CEOs from Ketchum, Porter Novelli, Brodeur Worldwide & More on Successful Public Relations Campaigns
Inside the Minds: PR Visionaries is the most authoritative book ever written on the public relations profession, written by an unprecedented collection of CEOs from the leading public relations firms of the world. These industry Visionaries reveal
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AOL's Online Advisor, Regina Lewis, Regina Lewis Wired in a Week 7.0: "Must-Know" Tips Plus Real Life Examples and Step-by-Step Instructions
Chat rooms, instant response messaging, stock quotes, shopping online-we all know that the Internet puts the world at your fingertips. But what the majority of Americans don't know is how to access this amazing technology. Now AOL, the leading
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Carl Sewell, Paul B. Brown Customers for Life: How to Turn That One-Time Buyer Into a Lifetime Customer
In this completely revised and updated edition of the customer service classic (more than 600,000 copies sold), Carl Sewell enhances his time-tested advice with fresh ideas and new examples and explains how the groundbreaking "Ten Commandments of
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