Douglas Brownlie

Rethinking Marketing: Towards Critical Marketing Accountings

`This is an important text. It brings together critical reflections on the discipline's contribution in terms of theory, practice and pedagogy and as such is equally as insightful and challenging as some of its recent predecessors (eg Brown et al ...

Tales from the Marketplace : Stories of Revolution, Reinvention and Renewal (Marketing Series (London, England).)

'Tales from the Marketplace: Stories of Revolution, Reinvention and Renewal' is a highly innovative approach to building an understanding of the realities of market-led strategic change in companies. It provides an engaging, honest, and effective ...

Peter Alexander, John Nobrega

Internet Marketing Tips for Busy Executives: Simple Ways to Improve Your Internet Presence

A minority of the businesses in the United States has an Internet presence, and fewer than half of these companies are seeing a significant return on their Internet Marketing efforts. Why? Because these businesses don’t know how to market ...

Fraser P. Seitel

The Practice of Public Relations, Ninth Edition

To succeed in public relations, professionals need an innate sense of the power, excitement, and value to society's primary institutions of its practice. This book uses a unique hands-on approach that prompts readers to think critically about the ...

<<<  Henry Chan, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon, Elizabeth Chang, Henry ...             Zvi Zameret, Tsevi Tsameret. The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission ... >>>

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