Sean Meehan, Patrick Barwise

Simply Better: Winning and Keeping Customers by Delivering What Matters Most

A No-Nonsense Approach to Customer-Focused Business In their relentless quest for differentiation, many companies have poured their energies into making their offerings distinctive from competitors'. Yet, according to marketing experts ...

Edited by Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Ursula Hansen

Relationship Marketing: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention

The focus of marketing is shifting away from transactional marketing and toward relationship marketing. Companies are beginning to recognize the economic value of stable, long-term customer relationships based on a high degree of customer ...

Raymond Teo, Sharon Fong

Maximising Profits: The Customer Centric Approach

Most companies recognise that customers are vital to their business. They take great pains in planning marketing campaigns and promotions. However, there is much more to attracting customers. Maximising Profits is an all-encompassing guide in ...

Will Rowan

Digital Marketing

There is no benefit in making districtions between old and new media in an economy where the context of every channel to market is changing. And as digital technologies place the customer at center of marketing, it is important for marketers to ...

<<<  J. Walker Smith, Ann S. Clurman. Rocking ...             Zvi Zameret, Tsevi Tsameret. The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission ... >>>

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