John Carver

CarverGuide, The Chairperson's Role as Servant-Leader to the Board (Carver, John. Carverguide, 4.)

Describes the fundamental responsibilities of the chairpersonof the board: to ensure the functioning of the board and the integrity of the board process. Offers invaluable tips for helping the chair lead more effectively, such as leading the board ...

Adele B. Lynn

In Search of Honor - Lessons From Workers on How to Build Trust

The elusive factor called trust is something that every workplace needs and every leader must know how to build. Any hope of inspired performance is shattered without this basic tenet. In this book, you'll discover: - How to build trust in the ...

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Leaders, Fools and Impostors: Essays on the Psychology of Leadership

In this book of insightful essays, Kets de Vries explodes the myth that rationality is what governs the behavior of leaders and followers, and he provides a more realistic perspective on organizational functioning and the leader-follower ...

James L. Ritchie-Dunham, Hal T. Rabbino

Managing from Clarity: Identifying, Aligning and Leveraging Strategic Resources

Most organizations can't execute strategy. Complexity is their enemy. A shared model (vision) of the strategy is the best way to cut through complexity. Unfortunately, developing clear and compelling visions to guide organizations is an art mastered ...

<<<  Robert B. Miller, Gary A. Williams, Alden M. Hayashi. The 5 Paths to Persuasion: ...             Zvi Zameret, Tsevi Tsameret. The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission ... >>>

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