Mary L. Broad, Jack J. Phillips

In Action : Transferring Learning to the Workplace

How can learning be transferred to the workplace? Training can be considered ineffective when employees cannot transfer what they have learned to their jobs. This collection of field experiences is a valuable source of ideas and advice that can be ...

Ronna Magy

Working it Out: Interactive English for the Workplace

Working it Out prepares ESL learners to function effectively in the workplace. This multilevel, general workplace text contains personal stories and engaging activities that empower students to take charge of their lives. ...

Maria Julia

Constructing Gender: Multicultural Perspectives in Working with Women

This text focuses on the construction of women's identity as a result of the intersection of ethnic background and gender. It will help readers become culturally competent by being aware of variations and similarities across cultures and, therefore, ...

Marie E. Cowart, William J. Serow

Nurses in the Workplace

The dynamics of the workplace for nurses are examined in this volume from the perspective of four health care industries. Focusing on acute care hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies and hospices, the contributors explore crucial ...

<<<  Samuel B. Bacharach, Peter Bamberger, William J. Sonnenstuhl. ...             J. Edward Ketz, J. Edward Ketz. Hidden Financial Risk: ... >>>

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