Samuel B. Bacharach, Peter Bamberger, William J. Sonnenstuhl

Member Assistance Programs in the Workplace: The Role of Labor in the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse (Ilr Bulletin, No 69)

This study of labor-based peer counseling and referral programs focuses particularly on the transportation industry. The authors document the major role that well-implemented MAPs can play in the prevention and treatment of substance-abuse problems. ...

Pfeiffer & Company

Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, The Promotion Activity (Sexual Harrasment Series)

This complete program gives you the tools to discuss sexual harassment and help every organizational member recognize it, respond appropriately, and prevent it from happening. The trainer's package includes: a trainer's guide, 3 experiential ...

Employment Policy Foundation

Workplace Policy For The New Economy

Although the nation?s economic outlook is bright on this Labor Day, the nation?s labor shortage could become quite deep, threatening the nation?s prosperity and slowing down the American economic engine in years to come. According to ...

Elizabeth Urech

Speaking Globally: Effective Presentations Across International and Cultural Boundaries

This is vital, lively, engaging reading for anyone that addresses audiences around the world. Learn to adapt your language and gestures to suit your audience and avoid pitfalls and faux pas. ...

<<<  David Specht, Linda V. Berens. Lessons from the ...             J. Edward Ketz, J. Edward Ketz. Hidden Financial Risk: ... >>>

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