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David Specht, Linda V. Berens Lessons from the Window Seat, Achieving Shared Vision in the Workplace
Written in a lively story format, Lessons from the Window Seat provides a practical tool for the reader to better understand themselves, their individual psychological core values and how those values relate to where and why they work.
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S. Anthony Baron, Anthony Baron Ph.D. Violence in the Workplace: A Prevention and Management Guide for Businesses
This useful resource provides proven methods for preventing and managing violence in the workplace-helping companies in the development of a sound violence-prevention plan. Managers and employees will learn how to recognize signs and indicators of
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James P. Kornberg, O. Bruck Dickerson The Workplace Walk-Through
The Workplace Walk-Through is the first volume in a series dedicated to providing physicians with more advanced tools for performing not only the routine tasks involved in occupational medicine, but also the most unusual and challenging assignments.
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Frank E. Jones Toxic Organic Vapors in the Workplace
Toxic Organic Vapors in the Workplace provides a review of the recent literature covering various methods, devices, and materials used to sample, analyze, and measure toxic organic vapors in the workplace. The book features a powerful chapter on
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