David Specht, Linda V. Berens

Lessons from the Window Seat, Achieving Shared Vision in the Workplace

Written in a lively story format, Lessons from the Window Seat provides a practical tool for the reader to better understand themselves, their individual psychological core values and how those values relate to where and why they work. ...

S. Anthony Baron, Anthony Baron Ph.D.

Violence in the Workplace: A Prevention and Management Guide for Businesses

This useful resource provides proven methods for preventing and managing violence in the workplace-helping companies in the development of a sound violence-prevention plan. Managers and employees will learn how to recognize signs and indicators of ...

James P. Kornberg, O. Bruck Dickerson

The Workplace Walk-Through

The Workplace Walk-Through is the first volume in a series dedicated to providing physicians with more advanced tools for performing not only the routine tasks involved in occupational medicine, but also the most unusual and challenging assignments. ...

Frank E. Jones

Toxic Organic Vapors in the Workplace

Toxic Organic Vapors in the Workplace provides a review of the recent literature covering various methods, devices, and materials used to sample, analyze, and measure toxic organic vapors in the workplace. The book features a powerful chapter on ...

<<<  W. Timothy Gallwey. The Inner Game of Work: Focus, Learning, Pleasure, ...             J. Edward Ketz, J. Edward Ketz. Hidden Financial Risk: ... >>>

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