Benedict J. Tria Kerkvliet

The Power Of Everyday Politics: How Vietnamese Peasants Transformed National Policy

Book DescriptionOrdinary people?s everyday political behavior can have a huge impact on national policy: that is the central conclusion of this book on Vietnam. In telling the story of collectivized agriculture in that country, Benedict J. Tria ...

G. B. Souza

The Survival of Empire : Portuguese Trade and Society in China and the South China Sea 1630-1754

Book DescriptionIn this original study of the Portuguese Empire in the East, the Estado da India, George Souza looks in detail at the activities of Macao.Download DescriptionIn this original study of the Portuguese Empire in the East, the Estado da ...

E. K. Dosmukhamedov

Foreign Direct Investment in Kazakhstan: Politico-Legal Aspects of Post-Communist Transition

Book Description The collapse of the centrally planned systems of the former Soviet Union undoubtedly stands out as one of the most important global events of the 20th century. The transformation from a centralized economic system to a market ...

Michael Chui

Private Sector Involvement And International Financial Crises: An Analytical Perspective

Book DescriptionOffering an analytical perspective on the design and reform of the international financial architecture, this book stresses the important role played by creditor co-ordination problems in the origin and management of crises by ...

<<<  Rethinking Empowerment: Gender and Development in a Global/Local ...             Роберт Асприн, Джоди Линн Най. МИФальянсы >>>

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