Rethinking Empowerment: Gender and Development in a Global/Local World (Routledge/Warwick Studies in Globalisation)

Book DescriptionThis collection examines the changing role of women in developing countries and calls for a new approach to empowerment. An approach that adopts a more nuanced, feminist interpretation of power and em(power)ment, recognizes that ...

W.A. Barnett

Functional Structure and Approximation in Econometrics, Volume 261 (Contributions to Economic Analysis)

Book DescriptionEconomic theory defines and constrains admissible functional form and functional structure throughout the economy. Constraints on behavioral functions of individual economic agents and on the recursive nesting of those behavioral ...

Stefan Kokot

The Econometrics of Sequential Trade Models : Theory and Applications Using High Frequency Data (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems)

Book DescriptionThe book inquires the consequences of speculative trading based on private information about financial asset markets. It presents an extensive and thorough discussion of theoretical and empirical methods used in previous studies on ...

Zuhayr Mikdashi

Regulating the Financial Sector in the Era of Globalization : Perspectives from Political Economy and Management

Book Description The world's financial landscape is transforming as economies become increasingly interdependent. In Regulating the Financial Sector in the Era of Globalization , Zuhayr Mikdashi examines the role of public authorities and ...

<<<  Jay B. Crawford. What Not To Do When Seeking ...             Роберт Асприн, Джоди Линн Най. МИФальянсы >>>

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