Charles Poirier

Business Process Management Applied: Creating the Value Managed Enterprise

Book DescriptionAcquire the roadmap for achieving success that relates specific process improvements to bottom-line profit growth. Business Process Management Applied: Creating the Value Managed Enterprise illustrates how process improvement can add ...

From Disaster Response to Risk Management : Australia's National Drought Policy (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research)

Book DescriptionIn 1992 Australia’s Commonwealth and State governments announced the introduction of a National Drought Policy adopting an innovative risk management approach, which received broad support from Australia’s major political ...

Tim Stapenhurst

Mastering Statistical Process Control, First Edition : A Handbook for Performance Improvement Using SPC Cases

Book DescriptionMastering Statistical Process Control shows how to understand business or process performance more clearly and more effectively. This practical book is based on a rich and varied selection of case studies from across industry and ...

Bernard Marr

Perspectives on Intellectual Capital : Multidisciplinary Insights Into Management, Measurement, and Reporting

Book DescriptionPerspectives on Intellectual Capital bridges the disciplinary gaps and facilitates knowledge transfer across disciplines, featuring views on intellectual capital from the fields of accounting, strategy, marketing, human resource ...

<<<  J.B. Kirkwood. Antitrust Law and Economics, Volume 21 ...             Роберт Асприн, Джоди Линн Най. МИФальянсы >>>

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