J.B. Kirkwood

Antitrust Law and Economics, Volume 21 (Research in Law and Economics)

Book DescriptionThis volume contains ten papers, by many prominent authors, examining antitrust issues of current interest. The first paper summarizes the other papers and presents original research on the meaning of consumer welfare and the sources ...

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2005 : Proceedings of the International Conference in Innsbruck, Austria, 2005

Book DescriptionThe key objectives of this premier conference in ICT in travel and tourism are the dissemination of research findings and strong interaction among researchers and practitioners. The conference theme this year is "eBusiness is here ? ...

W. Douglass Shaw

Water Resource Economics And Policy: An Introduction

Book DescriptionEconomic issues arise in almost every water policy context. Water is of most concern when scarce, but physical scarcity is often overcome as human beings move water from place to place, sometimes creating monumental structures. The ...

NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2003 (NBER Macroeconomics Annual)

Book DescriptionThe NBER Macroeconomics Annual presents pioneering work in macroeconomics by leading academic researchers to an audience of public policymakers and the academic community. Each commissioned paper is followed by comments and ...

<<<  The Labor Market for Attorneys in the State of California: Past, Present, ...             Роберт Асприн, Джоди Линн Най. МИФальянсы >>>

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