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Jeffrey L. Rodengen The Legend of Polaris
Book DescriptionThe Legend of Polaris recounts the remarkable saga of the company that invented the snowmobile. Polaris stuggled to survive, but ultimately came out the winner. Innovation, imporvement, and leadership are hallmarks of the company's
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Dennis Swanberg Dr. Swan's Prescriptions for Job-itis
Book DescriptionDennis Swanberg is well-known for his humorous take on life. Ahilarious storyteller, "Dr. Swan" always has the prescription for what is ailing you. If you?re not completely satisfied with the way that things are unfolding for
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Joseph Yurkin Winning in a Losing Culture
Book DescriptionWinning in a Losing Culture is an uplifting and inspirational approach to adjusting and building immunity to the threats of the new corporate culture that is driven to "win at all cost." It examines the dilemma that the average
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Greg Hicks Leadershock... And How to Triumph Over It: Eight Revolutionary Rules for Becoming a Powerful and Exhiliarated Leader
Book Description "The eight LeaderShock rules to form a powerful road map for a fresh brand of leadership right when we need it the most." --Dean O'Hare, chairman and CEO, The Chubb Corporation "The best leadership
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