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Hans-Liudger Dienel Linde: History of a Technology Corporation, 1879-2004
Book Description In 1877, university professor Carl von Linde obtained a patent for his refrigerator from the Imperial Patent Office--a patent for something that was not merely an invention, but the result of serious research in the basic laws
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Eric Ledell Smith Title African American Theater Buildings: An Illustrated Historical Directory, 1900-1955
Book DescriptionAfrican American theater buildings were theaters owned or managed by blacks or whites for an African American audience. Such theaters included nickelodeons, vaudeville houses, musical houses and neighborhood movie theaters. Although
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Linda L. Meabon Zippo Manufacturing Company (Images of America (Arcadia Publishing))
Book DescriptionThe Zippo Manufacturing Company was founded in 1932 in Bradford by George G. Blaisdell, who designed the first Zippo lighter in 1933; since then, Zippo has produced nearly four hundred million lighters. The product line eventually
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Michael Augspurger An Economy of Abundant Beauty: Fortune Magazine and Depression America
Book Description"We have made a breakthrough from an economy of scarcity to an economy of abundance," Henry Luce noted more than twenty years after founding Fortune magazine. "Can we make the breakthrough from an economy of abundance to an economy
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