Andy McKay

The Definitive Guide to Plone

This unique guide to Plone covers everything from installing Plone (on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux) to writing code for the system. As part of the Apress library of Python programming and content management tools, The Definitive Guide to ...

Soren Lauesen

Software Requirements: Styles and Techniques

Suitable for most any IT professional who wants to build better software, Software Requirements: Styles and Techniques offers a surprisingly readable textbook-style treatment of software engineering's numerous attempts to get it right with ...

Bruce Tognazzini

Tog on Interface

From one of the foremost authorities on the design of user interfaces, this unique collection of ideas and opinions, while focusing on the Macintosh, neatly captures the underlying principles of all graphical user interfaces. Using ideas from such ...

Antoni Diller

LaTeX: Line by Line: Tips and Techniques for Document Processing, 2nd Edition

How many hours have you spent trying to get LATEX to do what You want? If the answer is ?too many, then you need LATEX Line by Line. Written for LATEX novices, this book starts from the very basics providing clear explanations and realistic ...

<<<  Jean-Francois Mari, Rene Schott. Probabilistic ...             David A. Sousa. The Leadership Brain: How to Lead Today's Schools More ... >>>

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