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Jean-Francois Mari, Rene Schott Probabilistic and Statistical Methods in Computer Science
Probabilistic and Statistical Methods in Computer Science presents a large variety of applications of probability theory and statistics in computer science and more precisely in algorithm analysis, speech recognition and robotics. It is written on a
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Masatoshi Sakawa Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Multiobjective Optimization (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series)
Since the introduction of genetic algorithms in the 1970s, an enormous number of articles together with several significant monographs and books have been published on this methodology. As a result, genetic algorithms have made a major contribution
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Paolo Remagnino, Graeme A. Jones, Nikos Paragios, Carlo S. Regazzoni Video-Based Surveillance Systems: Computer Vision and Distributed Processing
The latest generation of visual surveillance systems have adopted recent technological developments in acquisition and communications. These advances have not so much changed the nature of surveillance as extended its reach and reliability.
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Paul Graham Hackers and Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age
Written in clear, narrative style, Hackers & Painters examines issues such as the rightness of web-based applications, the programming language renaissance, spam filtering, the Open Source Movement, Internet startups and more. In each essay,
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